Welcome to Our Arabic College, Madrasa-E-Arabia Roohul Islam Bagepalli
یہ اسلامی اور سیکولر دونوں طرح کی تعلیم کو فروغ دینے والا ایک مربوط کورس ہے جو کہ اعلیٰ ترین صلاحیتوں کا حامل ہے تاکہ وہ دنیا کی جدید ترین چیزوں کے ساتھ مقابلہ کرنے کے قابل ہو سکے۔ اس کورس کا مقصد روایتی علماء (مذہبی اسکالرز) کو قرآن پاک، حدیث، فقہ اور روایتی اسلامی روایات کے دیگر کلاسیکی سلسلوں میں مہارت حاصل کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ دنیاوی امور جیسے تعلیمی پیشکشوں، عوامی تقاریر، متواتر تحریروں اور سماجی خدمات میں انتہائی ذمہ دارانہ ڈھالنا ہے۔ طلباء میں کثیر لسانی صلاحیتیں پیدا کرنے کا نظام بہت مشہور ہے، جس میں انور الاسلام کے درزی سے تیار کردہ کورسز کو اپنایا جاتا ہے۔ہ اسلامی اور سیکولر دونوں طرح کی تعلیم کو فروغ دینے والا ایک مربوط کورس ہے جو کہ اعلیٰ ترین صلاحیتوں کا حامل ہے تاکہ وہ دنیا کی جدید ترین چیزوں کے ساتھ مقابلہ کرنے کے قابل ہو سکے۔ اس کورس کا مقصد روایتی علماء (مذہبی اسکالرز)
Our History
Who We Are ?
Its an integrated course promoting both Islamic and secular education with high important to make the caliber talented enough to compete with best to the world’s latest. The course aims at molding traditional Alims (religious scholars) mastering in Holy Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqah and other classical streams of conventional Islamic traditions as well as highly responsive in worldly affairs like academic presentations public speeches, periodic writings and social services. The system in imparting multi linguistic ability among the students is well reputed, adopting the tailor made courses of Roohul Islam.
Our Profile
About Madrasa ?
Its an integrated course promoting both Islamic and secular education with high important to make the caliber talented enough to compete with best to the world’s latest. The course aims at molding traditional Alims (religious scholars) mastering in Holy Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqah and other classical streams of conventional Islamic traditions as well as highly responsive in worldly affairs like academic presentations public speeches, periodic writings and social services. The system in imparting multi linguistic ability among the students is well reputed, adopting the tailor made courses of Roohul Islam.

Political Get Together
Hadith, Fiqah and other classical streams of conventional Islamic traditions as well as highly responsive in worldly affairs like academic presentations public speeches, periodic writings and social services. The system in imparting multi linguistic ability among the students is well reputed, adopting the tailor made courses of Roohul Islam.
Hazrath Bayan
Its an integrated course promoting both Islamic and secular education with high important to make the caliber talented enough to compete with best to the world’s latest. The course aims at molding traditional Alims (religious scholars) mastering in Holy Qur’an,
Our Events
Its an integrated course promoting both Islamic and secular education with high important to make the caliber talented enough to compete with best to the world’s latest. The course aims at molding traditional Alims (religious scholars) mastering in Holy Qur’an,
Our Programs
Hadith, Fiqah and other classical streams of conventional Islamic traditions as well as highly responsive in worldly affairs like academic presentations public speeches, periodic writings and social services. The system in imparting multi linguistic ability among the students is well reputed, adopting the tailor made courses of Roohul Islam.
Masjid Dua
Hadith, Fiqah and other classical streams of conventional Islamic traditions as well as highly responsive in worldly affairs like academic presentations public speeches, periodic writings and social services. The system in imparting multi linguistic ability among the students is well reputed, adopting the tailor made courses of Roohul Islam.
Independence Celebration
Its an integrated course promoting both Islamic and secular education with high important to make the caliber talented enough to compete with best to the world’s latest. The course aims at molding traditional Alims (religious scholars) mastering in Holy Qur’an,
Madrasa-E-Arabia Roohul Islam Videos
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Our Services
Its an integrated course promoting both Islamic and secular education with high important to make the caliber talented enough to compete with best to the world’s latest. The course aims at molding traditional Alims (religious scholars) mastering in Holy Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqah and other classical streams of conventional Islamic traditions as well as highly responsive in worldly affairs like academic presentations public speeches, periodic writings and social services. The system in imparting multi linguistic ability among the students is well reputed, adopting the tailor made courses of Roohul Islam.
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Our Organizations
Its an integrated course promoting both Islamic and secular education with high important to make the caliber talented enough to compete with best to the world’s latest. The course aims at molding traditional Alims (religious scholars) mastering in Holy Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqah and other classical streams of conventional Islamic traditions as well as highly responsive in worldly affairs like academic presentations public speeches, periodic writings and social services. The system in imparting multi linguistic ability among the students is well reputed, adopting the tailor made courses of Roohul Islam.